Engineering composite programmable therapeutic agents to advance medicine.

We engineer structural frameworks from the ground up via composite programmable DNA nanofabrication and functionalize them for a variety of therapeutic applications.

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What does programmable mean?

Computationally designed single strands of DNA self-assemble into programmed nanoscale structures of choice. These structures are stable, non-toxic, non-immunogenic, and non-inflammatory. The sequences of the DNA molecules used to build them are fully user programmable and may include non-coding elements and elements that encode for user-defined genetic features. The structures are fully chemically addressable by covalently conjugating other molecules to selected DNA strands.

Similarly, we use computational design to develop custom peptide and protein binders for realizing cellular targeting and therapeutic activities.

A new breakthrough

Programmed Precision

Using composite programmable therapeutic technology, unprecedented nanometer-level precision and control is possible. The technology can be applied across modalities for the shape, size, number of copies, spacing, payload type, bio- and tissue localization, and more...

image of a cptx virus trap

Connector Technology

  • Genetic Payload (DNA, mRNA)
  • Genetic Cell + Tissue Recognition, Effectors/Engagers Payload (DNA, mRNA)
  • Small Molecule Drugs, Peptides
  • Proteins & Antibodies

Removing Barriers in Drug Discovery & Development

  • icon of a syringe
    Construct novel treatments
  • icon of a dna double helix
    Increase specificity
  • icon of a drug container
    Co-deliver drugs and genes
  • icon of a molecule
    Repurpose drugs for new indications
  • icon of a microscope
    Enhance efficacy of existing drugs